Use Math code for online use on a web site

Tout ce qui concerne notamment les outils de calcul numérique, de calcul formel ou de géométrie.
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Use Math code for online use on a web site

Message non lu par johntimber »


We have this problem of writing certain math problems in a readable way (algebra usually). I know that with Math you can write the math problem in a way that is readable. I talked with the manager of the website, and she would like to put the software on it. Is there a way to do that? What I mean is, like to put the software on the website itself so users can use it to write math problems on the website (instead of writing it like they do now, in an unreadable way). Is that possible somehow? Do we need some form of permission?
Another thing. How do I take the math problem on the software program and put it on the website? I tried to save it in html, but it just didn't work. The option wasn't there.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

References:- ... =12&t=4669
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Inscription : mercredi 15 février 2006, 13:18
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Re: Use Math code for online use on a web site

Message non lu par rebouxo »


It's a french forum :D . Obviously if you want to have some math formula on a website, look for mathjax. You just haveto declare the adress of the mathjax script. You can write formula via LaTeX syntax.

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Inscription : jeudi 23 novembre 2006, 20:12
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Re: Use Math code for online use on a web site

Message non lu par bibi6 »

Another way is to use, if there are a few formulas...

Example (to be included in a website): <img src="\sin(x)" border="0"/>